Cand viata bate filmul

Cand il vezi cu parul lung, carliontat, si cu un zambet larg pe fata, ai putea crede ca este unul dintre acei rebeli intarziati care merg la Vama Veche si danseaza desculti pe plaja pana dimineata. Apoi ii vezi privirea. Ii simti atitudinea. Darzenia. Ceva iti spune ca este altfel. Te indimideaza chiar, desi probabil n-o face intentionat. La 42 de ani, Mihnea Virgolici este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti oameni din domeniul ecvestru din Romania. Ferma lui de langa Sighisoara, Cross Country Farm, este plasata in topul recomandarilor din Europa de ghidul Lonely Planet, iar concursul organizat de el, …

Blond horses and training at liberty

I found out about the Potcoava equestrian center by chance, when I was looking for locations for my monthly horse photography workshops. I had read all the information on their website, but nothing had prepared me for what I was about to find there. The road is winding and full of pits. From the Brebu village, near the Leaota mountains, civilization ends and hills begin. Pastoral landscape, as if in an Alecsandri poem. A narrow, modern road, a few kilometers long, starts from there. A miniature Trans-Alpina. It is the access road to Potcoava, located in the middle of wilderness. …

Cai blonzi si dresaj in libertate

Am aflat de centrul de echitatie Potcoava absolut intamplator, cand cautam locatii deosebite pentru workshopurile lunare de fotografie ecvestra pe care le organizez. Citisem informatiile de pe site-ul lor, dar nimic nu ma pregatea pentru ceea ce urma sa gasesc acolo. Drumul era serpuit, plin de gropi si serpentine. Din satul Brebu, la bazele muntilor Leaota, se temina civilizatia si incep dealurile. Peisaj pastoral, stil Alecsandri. De acolo porneste o sosea moderna, ingusta, de cativa kilometri. O Trans-Alpina in miniatura. Este drumul de acces catre Potcoava, asezata in mijlocul pustietatii. Bariera cu camera video si actionata cu senzor. Manej dreptunghiular, …

Behind the scene stories: horse photography workshop at Villa Abbatis Equestrian Center

We knew exactly what we had to do. We installed the electric fence on top of a hill, where we could see the Fagaras Mountains in the background, covered in white. We walked the horses through the improvised manege to make sure they hear the specific noise of the electric fence. We all gathered in the middle and let them go. Four mares. Two laps at full speed. Perfect for taking photos. Manes in the air, fresh green grass. I could hear the rattle of our cameras. We were all smiling from ear to ear. That’s why I had organized …

Despre cai: workshop de fotografie ecvestra la Villa Abbatis Equestrian Center

Stiam exact ce trebuia sa facem. Am instalat gardul electric pe coama unui deal de unde vedeam pe fundal Muntii Fagaras acoperiti cu zapada. Am plimbat caii prin manejul improvizat, sa ne asiguram ca aud zbarnaitul specific gardului electric. Ne-am asezat cu totii in mijloc si le-am dat drumul. Patru iepe. Au facut doua ture in viteza. Perfect pentru pozat. Coamele in vant, iarba proaspat rasarita, de un verde crud. Auzeam turuitul aparatelor de fotografiat. Zambeam cu totii cu gura pana la urechi. Pentru asta organizasem workshopul de fotografie ecvestra aici, la Villa Abbatis Equestrian Center. Apoi s-a intamplat. Shoc. …

The Stable Studio

It was almost evening, so I decided to take a few artistic photos on a black background, using studio lights. I had been at Villa Abbatis Equestrian Center for two days and I had become friends with most of the animals at the farm. I closed one of the two entrances of the stable. I arranged the black background and prepared the studio umbrella and the flashes. I needed only a model to photograph. All the horses were carefully looking at me from their stalls. The goats, at least, were dying of curiosity. They were either at the window, to …

Studioul din grajd

Se facea deja seara, asa ca am decis sa fac cateva fotografii artistice pe fundal negru, cu lumini de studio. Eram la Villa Abbatis Equestrian Center deja de doua zile si ma imprietenisem cu majoritatea animalelor de la ferma. Am inchis una dintre cele doua intrari ale gradjului, am montat fundalul negru si mi-am pregatit umbrela de studio si luminile. Lipsea doar fotomodelul. Toti caii scoteau curiosi capul din boxele lor si ma priveau cu atentie. Caprele, cel putin, mureau de curiozitate. Cand nu erau catarate pe geam, sa stie tot ce se intampla afara, se ridicau pe grilajul de …

Runaway Horses

The day had started well. We finally had sun after much rain. The dogs were running around the yard. Captain Jack, Roxana’s sport horse, was curiously looking out of his window to see what we were doing. Nothing prepared us for the adventures that were to follow. I knew what I had to do. I had arrived at Villa Abbatis Equestrian Center, in the north of Sibiu country, the day before. It was a gloomy, drizzling weather. I was evaluating the place with a critical eye, looking for locations to shoot horses at freedom. The yard and its surroundings seemed …

Sedinta foto naravasa

Ziua incepuse bine. Vedeam in sfarsit soarele dupa zile intregi de ploaie. Cateii se zbenguiau prin curte. Captain Jack, calul de sport al Roxanei, scotea curios capul la fereastra sa vada ce facem. Nimic nu ne pregatea pentru aventurile ce urmau. Stiam ce aveam de facut. Ajunsesem la Villa Abbatis Equestrian Center, in nordul judetului Sibiu, cu o zi inainte. Era o vreme mohorata, cu un inceput de burnita. Ma tot uitam in jur cu un ochi critic, cautand locatii bune pentru fotografiat caii in libertate. Cum spatiul din jurul curtii mi s-a parut ingust, l-am inhamat la trasura pe …

Mud Party

It was almost noon when the frost finally started to melt. As I was waiting near the paddock, in the Sambata de Jos Stud Farm, the groom brought the third stallion I wanted to photograph. It was a black, shinning Lipizzaner. He raised his feet high when he trotted, as if in parade. I have to admit I felt a little intimidated by this guy when he passed by me. He was so tall and seemed to have so much force. I wandered if my arms were long enough to hug him if he let me. Then he was free …

Magda Munteanu